Meet Our HR Team

The Human Resources Team at Tel Hai is here to assist and guide you through your career search, pre-employment and employment experience as you discover the endless rewards of working at the ‘Hill of Life.’ We strive to provide a supportive, fulfilling and purposeful work experience where team members can reach their personal and professional goals.

Keeli Looper
Vice President, Human Resources
Leads HR Team, Strategic Planning, Engagement & Workers Comp

Luann Thomas
Recruitment, Pre-Employment, Internal Transfers & Staff Liason

Michele Scott
HRIS Payroll & Benefits Specialist
Payroll, Benefits Administration & 401K Administration

Angela DellaVecchia
HR Generalist
FMLA/ADA, HR Records, New Hire Processing & Support, Unemployment Claims

Administrative Assistant
Support HR Team Members, Processes & Maintains HR Records, Generates Team Member Newsletter

Tel Hai Retirement Community is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For specific questions, please contact any member of the Human Resources team above directly at 610-273-4611 or email

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